Although it’s your choice to sign or not to sign a card. You do not have to sign a card at any time.
· Your co-workers cannot talk to you or attempt to get you to sign a card during working time.
· Union representatives are not allowed on company property, and they cannot approach you on company property to talk about the union or attempt to get you to sign a card. This includes remote properties.
· You do not have to talk to any employee or union representative at anytime at work or away from work.
· You do not have to give your personal information – home address, phone numbers, email address – to anyone connected with the union.
· You do not have to let other employees or union representatives into your home.
· You do not have to attend a union meeting anywhere or at any time.
· Even if you did not sign a union authorization card you have the right to vote in a union election.
· You can tell your co-workers (verbally or printed documents, social media, videos, etc.) that you are not interested in union representation and why.
· The company believes in an environment free of harassment and you should not be harassed and/or bullied at any time during card signing and/or a union campaign.
Employee Testimonials
Hear real stories from employees about their union experiences
Employee Testimonials
Hear real stories from employees about their union experiences