1. What does it mean to be organized into a union?
- You select someone else to speak for you when it comes to compensation, benefits, and conditions of employment.
- It changes the employment relationship from Employer/Employee to Employer/Union/Employee, which can slow down changes or decisions.
- All employees – even if they didn’t vote for the union – will be bound by the contract that the employer and the union agree upon.
- Union members may be legally required to follow the Union’s Constitution and Bylaws.
2. What are the stages of a union organizing campaign?
- Card Signing: Union must get 30% of employees to sign a card to hold an election.
- Campaign: Union/company attempt to convince employees of the pros/cons of unions.
- Election: 50% + 1 vote of those that vote determine the outcome of the election.
- Negotiations: If the union is elected, then the union & company must negotiate in good faith. There is no timetable in this process, it could take months or years.
3. How does an election work?
- All eligible employees may vote.
- The election is determined by 50% + 1 vote of those who show up to vote. EXAMPLE: If there are 20 employees eligible to vote and only 3 employees show up to vote, then the election is determined by 3 votes. If there are 3 “Yes” votes, then the union is elected, and all 20 employees will now be represented by the union.
4. If the union wins the election, am I represented by the union even if I did not sign a card or vote? What about if I do not join the union?
- Yes, all eligible employees are represented by the union no matter whether they signed a card or not, whether they voted, and/or whether they want to join the union.
5. Does the Company have to sign a union contract if a union has been elected to represent its employees?
- No, the only requirement of the Company is that they must negotiate in good faith.
- The Company does not have to agree to any union demands.
6. Can the union make the Company get rid of certain supervisors?
- No, the union has no right to tell the Company how to run its business or who to hire or fire as it relates to its managers and supervisors.
- The Company does not even have to discuss this with the union.
7. If we don’t like the union, can’t we just vote it out?
- Not for at least a year.
- If there is a CBA agreement put in place, then you could not attempt to vote them out for a minimum of three years or the life of that contract.
- In reality, once a union is voted in, it could be more four years before you can even try to vote them out.
8. Does it cost money to belong to a union? How much?
- Yes, unions can charge their members’ dues.
- Dues can be increased at any time by the union.
- The union can also charge initiation fees and collect special contributions or assessments such as strike funds, building funds, and/or other projects that are in the union’s interest.
9. If there is a union, could there be a strike?
- The company does not know if the union will ever call a strike.
- Go to Going to Strike for additional information.
10. If I sign a union card, do I have to vote for the union?
- No, even if you signed a union card you have the right to vote for or against the union if there is a union election.
11. Do I have to vote in a union election?
- No, you do not have to vote if there is a union election.
- However, we encourage all eligible employees to vote in any union election.
- If the union wins the election, you will be represented by this union whether you voted or not.
- As previously stated, the election is determined by a majority of those who show up to vote, not by the majority of those that are eligible to vote.
Employee Testimonials
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Employee Testimonials
Hear real stories from employees about their union experiences